Material Recovery Facility Fire Damage


South Bayside Waste Management Authority


Redwood City, Ca

In September 2016, fire at the South Bayside Waste Management Authority, destroyed portions of the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) recycle sorting equipment and portions of the 82,000 square foot MRF structure.

This $7.5 Million contract consisted of replacing damaged sorting equipment, replacing pre-engineered metal roof panels, roll up doors, roof top smoke hatches and skylights damaged by the fire. Work also included a complete cleaning of the interior of the building, including ducting and non-fire damaged equipment that was covered in soot.

An extensive scaffolding system was erected over the equipment to provide access to the building superstructure. Cleaning was accomplished using state of the art Dry Ice Blasting. Heavy coordination was necessary between numerous trades to complete this work and bring the facility back online in record time


Aeration Blower Replacement


Water Storage Tanks (Mid-Peninsula Station Tanks 119 and 120