Sears Point Pump Station Rehabilitation Project


Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District


Vallejo, CA

This project included the replacement of two submersible wastewater pumps (each in separate wet wells); bypass pumping to divert all incoming flows away from the pump station; replacement of four (4) pump discharge columns (piping) and guide rails; modifications to the existing wet wells and inlet structure including lining repairs; and replacement of surge tank appurtenances including the air valve, level sensor, and high‐pressure airline.

The project electrical modifications include the replacement of the main services switchboard, pump station motor termination cabinets, and existing auto transfer controller, and the installation of new conduits from the wet wells to the existing MCC/Generator building. The structural modifications include the replacement and rehabilitation of existing pipe supports, concrete repair, and aboveground corrosion mitigation and coatings.


Wet Weather Storage Facility Expansion


Austin Creek Trash Capture Project