Tanner Pacific featured in North American Tunneling Journal

SVCW’s first progressive design-build tunneling project

The recent issue of North American Tunneling Journal features Silicon Valley Clean Water’s (SVCW) Gravity Pipeline Project.  In the article, Tanner Pacific’s Mike Jaeger shares his insights on this first-ever progressive design build tunneling project in the United States. Serving as the Owner’s Representative and Project Manager of the project, Mike discusses the benefits of this delivery method to provide a time and cost-efficient design and construction process.

As part of SVCW’s program to modernize wastewater treatment for its 220,000 customers, this new pipeline will improve the reliability of the conveyance system in the San Francisco Bay Area. The current 45-year old reinforced concrete pipes are failing in places, requiring over three miles of aging force main to be replaced with a gravity sewer pipeline.

The progressive design build approach began with a collaborative process that engaged all members: SVCW and its operation and maintenance staff, Barnard-Bessac JV, Arup, and Tanner Pacific. Many options were considered before deciding that a tunnel boring machine (TBM) constructed pipeline was the best solution. The Earth Pressure Balance Machine (EPBM) will dig a 16 foot outside diameter tunnel, which will then be lined with a 11-foot inside diameter fiberglass reinforced pipe. The design build team will continue to work together throughout the entire project by reviewing the progress and direction of the project from their respective viewpoints. Work has begun on site, with specialist contractor Malcolm Drilling constructing the walls for TBM launch shaft.

To learn more about this project, see the full article:



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